
Did You Know We Offer a CPD Training Course?

Did you know Domestic Abuse Education now offers a CPD training course? CPD stands for continuing professional development and who doesn't want that?! Briefly, let's look at the benefits of...

Do you believe “knowledge is power”?

Do you believe knowledge is Power? Do you know how many people in your business are currently experiencing, or are potentially at risk of being impacted by domestic abuse? How...

HPFT & Domestic Abuse Alliance Launch Event for the use of the WEPROTECT App into the NHS

In March 2023 Domestic Abuse Education spoke alongside the Domestic Abuse Alliance supporting the launch of their WEPROTECT app into Hertfordshire Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (HPFT), the first NHS...

Lunch and Learn

Lunch & Learn - Hogan Lovells  In February 2023 founder of Domestic Abuse Education Sharon Livermore attended her first "lunch & learn" at Hogan Lovells she spoke alongside the Employers...