The Women’s Aid Public Policy Conference was INSPIRATIONAL, to say the least!
During the Women’s Aid, Public Policy Conference Sharon was privy to some excellent debates and panel discussions and was seated among some truly remarkable people; each and everyone sharing a common goal: to prevent domestic abuse and support those who are going through it.
When we debate, or discuss, domestic abuse and the changes or responses that need to be made in relation to policy a few GREAT things happen:
a) we’re increasing knowledge and raising awareness of this still a widely under-discussed topic
b) Whilst it can get heated debate thrives off collaboration; by working together we can create a safer world
c) We cannot discuss domestic abuse without first, researching domestic abuse; looking into current public policy in order to help us better discuss not only how, but why, the UK government needs to be responding better to the domestic abuse issue in the UK
Sharon encourages debate, it’s crucial for change; you can read more about Sharon and her mission here.Â
Find out more about the work Women’s Aid does here.